Sunday, August 31, 2008

Project Research/Brainstorm Year 3: Assignment 02

Pick a Product: Ipod

Find out how the product has been advertised using examples in

- print

- video

- web/interactive

Project Research/Brainstorm Year 3: Assignment 01

Create and imaginary product using 4 random words
No Where

What is the product?
Electric water purifier

Who is the target Audience?
People who are in countries where clean and safe drinking water is rare, and people who go on treks.

Visualize the Product and Cr
eate a concept for the ad. Print Layout.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer Project

In the summers i was working on a corporate branding project for a company called Systematic Solutions. I designed their business card, letterhead, website and also worked as the copyrighter.

Advertising Analysis (Honda Accord Cog)

Honda Accord Commercial

The duration of the commercial is 2:00 minutes. The reason I like the ad was it was shown similar to the way perpetual machines work. Also the way the commercial is organized is so systematic and perfect.

The concept used in the commercial is called “Rube Goldberg” machine is a deliberately over engineered apparatus that performs a very simple task in very indirect and convoluted fashion.

The commercial starts with a bearing rolling onto a hub. This then starts a set of movements. Wipers walk across the floor, valves roll down a bonnet and then tires roll uphill. The commercial comes to an end when the locks close causing the hatchback to close, and then a car comes of a trailer, and poses in front of the camera.

To me the most interesting part of the entire sequence was the tires rolling uphill, after a little bit of research i found out that this was accomplished by having weights placed in the tires.
Interestingly i also learned that a group of artists nearly sued the company for stealing their ideas from which this whole advertisement was based on.

Director: Antoine Bardou-Jacquet
Production Company: Partizan Midi Minuit
Agency: Wieden & Kennedy
Agency Producer: Rob Steiner
Agency Creatives: Matt Gooden & Ben Walker
Post Production: The Mill
Producer: Fi Kilroe
Flame: Barnsley
Flame Assistant: Dave Birkill